Laser for Snoring near Toronto

Snoring is a common manifestation. The number of « snorers » in Canada is estimated at nearly 9 million. Surveys confirm that 20 to 25 percent of the adult population are habitual snorers and that most of them are men over 40 years old.

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About Snoring

Surprisingly, most people are unaware that snoring can be treated successfully. Snoring is an uncomfortable symptom for many reasons: It disrupts family life and causes sleepless nights for you and the others around you.

Snoring can also disrupt normal sleep, thus preventing optimal rest. More seriously, it may be associated with a risky condition known as obstructive sleep apnea.

Laser for Snoring near Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton

You can meet us free of charge

Is Laser Surgery the right treatment for you?

As a certified ear nose and throat specialist with advanced training in laser surgery, Dr. Korkis is able to determine if you can benefit from laser treatment during your first consultation. However, additional tests may be necessary especially if obstructive sleep apnea is suspected. An appointment can be made at your convenience after the evaluation with Dr. Korkis.


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Virtual consultations available upon request